A single consultation platform

From creating Plans to gauging public opinion on them, Objective Keystone supports consultations across the whole council.

At Bracknell Forest Council, Objective Keystone (now Objective Keyplan, see note below) supports consultations across the whole council. The council can gauge the reactions of local people on the many services it provides across Health & Social Care, School Admissions, Policies, Community Governance Reviews, Parks and Countryside, and Customer Service.

As part of the evidence base for the Local Plan, the Council has used Objective Keystone to generate 190 documents which the council has sought community consultation at various different parts of the planning process, so that people can comment directly into them.

The collaborative authoring capability of Objective Keystone helps the council manage the very large and unruly planning documents; many different people can be working on many different parts of the document at the same time; and nothing gets lost or mislaid. Any changes or amendments required are quick and easy to do.

For Consultations, Objective Keystone allows us to publish documents to the council website for comment and also to easily promote on social media. Reports with graphs and data are quick to generate, so we can get an instant gauge of public opinion.

Objective Keystone allows us to engage with the local community, and it also allows the local community to engage with us.

Objective Keystone allows us to report in real-time. We can get an instant gauge of public option.

Samantha Wood

Community Engagement and Equalities Officer, Bracknell Forest Council

In 2023, Objective Keystone was re-launched as Objective Keyplan, a planning and consultation solution specifically for Local Government.