Tackle the security risk of information sharing at scale

Real-life experiences from UK Government agencies

Information governance is more than just record keeping. It’s about getting the right information to the right people at the right time, securely. 

This webinar, hosted by Objective and the Information and Records Managers Society (IRMS), provides insights on how UK Government agencies are overcoming their security concerns when sharing information, enabling them to deliver key outcomes for their communities. 

Key topics covered in the webinar:

  1. ‘State of the nation’ on the current security landscape
  2. The key considerations when it comes to secure information sharing at scale
  3. The community impact of using an intuitive, secure and effective solution
  4. How governed information enabled Welsh Government to rehouse Ukrainian refugees
  5. How Highlands and Islands Enterprise are using a secure, scalable solution to fuel digital collaboration across the Scottish space industry


    • Andy Parker – Information and Records Management – Senior Operations Manager, Welsh Government
    • Ren Leming – Chair, IRMS
    • Will Sagar â€“ Customer Success Manager, Objective Connect
    • Mark Macrae – Customer Success Manager, Objective